Fried Pies

Last week-end, I continued my quest for the holy grail of fried pies... "Bruce's Fried Pie." Anyone living in (or visiting) the Central Texas area during the 70 and 80's will mostly likely remember the small pies created by the "Bruce Fried Pie" company. I don't know were all they were sold, I just know that we use to get ours at either the U-Totem and Circle-K stores. Which were stores just like the 7-11 found around town now. For the last several years (OK eight years) I have been looking for them, not long ago during yet another Interet search I discovered that the company had closed down in the 90's and the owner moved to California. Creating a massive void in the culinary fabric of Austin\Central Texas. Yea, I know what your thinking... just get a Mrs Baird's or Dolly Madison fruit pie and get over it. Well I believe to taste a fresh Bruce's Fried Pie was a truly a blessed event. The fruit filling was abundantly adorned with fruit and suspended in a thick sauce that was flavorful while not being overly sweet. The crust itself was light tan in color and delicate. The outer edge was a thin flaky crust while the inner crust was firm, tender and moist. Ken and I would get a couple at the Circle-K located in Pilot Knob after playing video games in an Austin arcade or air hockey/pool at Pool Hall on Banister Lane (South Austin). I would wash them down with a big old cold bottle of Big Red (official drink of Del Valle High School). To me they were the perfect way to end an Austin Adventure ... be it Arcade, Pool, or Country Western Dancing.

I have tried countless recipe variations of the Fried Pies found on the Internet. They have run the gamut in taste and texture. I have tried baking them, pan frying, and deep fry them. The next thing I am going to try is a combination of light frying in combination with baking. The recipe and method I have now approaches the Bruce's Fried Pie more than any I have tasted or made to this point. It is just not there yet. I have attached a small picture of my last attempt for you to check out.


mawmawpurple said…
This is so well written. Who knew that hidden beneath the computer wizard and chef for lucky family and friends, was a gifted writer. This is yet another reason that I am so happy with the husband my daughter chose and the dad my grandchildren are so lucky to have.

I will be watching for and reading of your evolution and discoveries.
Thank you for sharing this.
Meredith said…
I love how our memories of childhood are often made through the food we ate. And BIG RED? Love it!

What a lovely blog! Looking forward to keeping up with it!
tamaratalarico said…
This blog is so much fun to read!

I love the pictures and the recipes.

I'll be checking back! :-)
jussaM said…
Not sure if you would read this, but I am wondering if you are willing to sell the domain Please let me know.

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